
Climbing and Coronavirus

September 1, 2021



Coronavirus has been quite rightly dominating the news and the management at Chimera have been constantly keeping abreast of all developments via the NHS and Government websites, briefing staff daily and advising climbers coming in of the latest protocols.

We have made changes within our business which are detailed below and would hope the climbing community can likewise make small but significant changes to their daily routines that could have a big effect on reducing the spread of this virus.

In case you are wondering just what you can do to help when it comes to minimising the risks of coronavirus, we have compiled the following advice:

Be considerate in voice and action

We are asking all staff and customers to be vigilant and behave in a sensible manner when it comes to managing potential symptoms of the virus. Even though you may be healthy and may well remain so even if infected; we all have elderly or susceptible relatives and friends who are at greater risk if they contract the virus.

This is why participation in risk minimising strategies is so important. Chimera has a fantastically caring community of climbers and we are asking everyone to play their part in helping to control the spread of the virus.

Travel – Climbing, business or pleasure

If you, or a close family member have recently visited one of the places that have been significantly affected by coronavirus, please avoid coming to Chimera until it’s clear that you are virus-free. This includes international hotspots such as Italy, Iran and China or any local places that have been affected.

We ask our customers to stay abreast of developing news related to coronavirus via the official channels listed below, so that we can all work together to maximise containment and prevent further spread. If you are in any doubt as to the official advice after travel, please review the NHS 111 website.

Personal hygiene

Thorough hand washing before and after a climbing session is essential. Please sign in, then once you have paid please wash your hands. There are signs around the centre detailing proper hand-washing practice as advised by the NHS. If you have any questions please ask a member of staff.

If you are planning a food break during your session, please wash your hands before and after eating.

Please don’t touch your face, eyes or mouth during your session. Avoid coughing or sneezing into hands, use a clean tissue or your elbow if need be, then immediately bin tissues and re-wash your hands. If you are particularly unwell or have any of the symptoms detailed by the NHS please avoid public spaces and follow official advice. More on the symptoms can be found here.

Centre Hygiene

Chimera have been doubling up on disinfecting iPads, door handles and surfaces with anti-bacterial wipes and sprays. We are following all government guidelines on how best to manage and minimise the risk of the virus spreading in-house, and will continue to review and update our practices according to the latest advice.

Starting to feel unwell?

Look out for the known symptoms which include a cough, a high temperature, and shortness of breath. Don’t panic if you have any of these, they are similar symptoms to the flu and many other bugs but do get yourself checked out with medical professionals.

Don’t go to your local GP, but instead visit the NHS 111 website for coronavirus advice and/or phone 111. Stay at home until you have had formal advice from the NHS as to the next steps to take.

In the very unlikely event that you are diagnosed with coronavirus – and you have visited either of our centres recently – please let Chimera know immediately by phone on 10892 457294 so we can take appropriate measures.

Good practice

Keeping yourselves clean and managing personal hygiene should be taken seriously all-year round, not just in light of recent events.

Hopefully everyone will continue to maintain higher standards of hand washing in the future, before and after every climbing session, and before and after eating and drinking in the centre.

Remember while you may not be in the ‘at risk’ category, someone you know will be so reducing the spread of coronavirus should be taken seriously by us all.

Further Information

Hand washing guidelines:

Government guidance:

NHS guidance:

Hand Wash NHS
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