
First time at a comp?

April 28, 2022



The big Chimera competitions return!

With the return of the big Chimera comps this summer, for many of you who have taken climbing up more recently, this might be the first time you dip your toe in the competition waters. So here is a run-down of everything you need to know before you enter your first comp…

The boulders

Generally these are concentrated across the comp wall (obviously) and the wave at Tunbridge Wells, but there will be others scattered around the place. In Canterbury, they are everywhere.You can tell they are comp blocs as they will be taped and numbered. The brightly coloured tape will also indicate where your hands and feet need to be to start. Two bits of tape – two hands/two feet on that hold. One bit, one hand or one foot.The boulders will all be on the TopLogger app so make sure you have that downloaded pre-comp. You can fill in your own score. If you climb the boulder first time (flash) you get extra points.

The order

Open comps are a bit of a free for all, the same as a normal climbing session. You don’t need to complete the blocs in any order, just make sure you note down which ones you got to the top of. You’ll have a few hours, so you can afford to pace yourself.

Technique and grades

Yes, there will be comp-style blocs. That means big co-ordination dynos, crowd pleasing moves and lots of spectacular looking holds. But there will be blocs for all abilities, so no you don’t have to be sending blacks to enter. Part of the fun is challenging yourself on routes you wouldn’t normally try.

Comps within a comp

Not to be confusing, but in the evening there will be a separate dyno comp. Anyone can enter, and the person who can jump the highest wins. Simple.

The dress code

Wear your best, most awful, so tasteless it’s cool again Hawaiian shirt. How you style that is down to you…

The vibe

Fun. That’s it. We don’t do super serious comps here at Chimera, which is why they aren’t called a competition but a party. The idea is to turn up, have many, many laughs and climb some very cool routes. There will be pizza, a gin bar, music and so much more.

The Big Boulder Bash – Canterbury – Saturday 25th June – 2pm until late

The Big Summer Party – Tunbridge Wells – Saturday 16th July – 2pm until late

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